Wenche Dahle
In the light from the sea
Wenche Dahle was born and raised in Flatanger, a small coastal community in the middle ofNorway. She is a trained assistant nurse and has a Bachelor’s Degree in creative subjects.Together with her husband Ole Martin Dahle, she runs the company Norway Nature, where theyarrange tours and guiding for photographers from all over the world.
She got her first camera in 2014, which turned out to be something that would help change her life.A life characterized by much illness and heavy days. Photographing has helped her back to life.
Being close to nature is importante to Wenche, there she finds calmness and inspiration, which isreflected in her photographs. She likes experimenting with her photos, she works creatively withlong shutter speed, multiexposure and she works in mutiple layers. She dares challenge bothherself and her audience.
Her photos have won good critics and prizes in various photo competitions and she has had soloexhibitions.She has had several presentations home and abroad.
Wenche is a member of Norske Naturfotografer (Norwegian Nature Photographers) NN.
Autumn 2019 her first book is out on the market, In the light from an ocean, in a collaboration withthe German publisher Edition Bildperlen. The book is published in German, English andNorwegian.