Overall Winner 2021 OVERALL WINNER: TERJE KOLAAS (NOR) WINTER MIGRATION Category Birds Terje Kolaas (NO) | Winter migrationWinner Miquel Angel Artús Illana (ES) | A group of Magellanic penguinsRunner-up Christian Spencer (AU) | SundanceHighly Commended Threatening storm Tomasz Szpila (PO) | Ostrich kindergartenHighly Commended Jolanda Vlastuin (NL) | Drowned ForestHighly Commended Category Mammals Josef Friedhuber (AU) |Silverbach ChimanukaWinner Aare Udras (EE) | Young Wolf (Canis Lupus)Runner-up Paul Goldstein (UK) | Storm warningHighly Commended Pam Dorner (USA) | Song Dog in the SnowHighly Commended Kovács Norbert (HU) | Twilight huntersHighly Commended Category Other Animals Ruben Perez Novo (ES) | Walking among fennelsWinner Ruben Perez Novo (ES) | Slow but safeRunner-up Gahdekar Prathamesh (IN) | The Night WatchmanHighly Commended Csaba Daróczi (HU) | Circle DanceHighly Commended Csaba Daróczi (HU) | We are hanging on the webHighly Commended Category Plants and Fungi Rupert Kogler (AT) |Heat of HoarWinner Audun Rikardsen (NO) | Natures eatable Arctic gouldRunner-up Uge Fuertes Sanz (ES) | Inside a sequoiaHighly Commended Silvano Paiola (IT) | City of AngelsHighly Commended Ripan Biswas (IN | ZombifiedHighly Commended Category Landscape Denis Budkov (RU) | Dragon’s LairWinner Andrea Pozzi (IT) | The prowRunner-up Georg Kantioler (IT) | Legendary towers in the DolomitesHighly Commended Stanislao Basileo (IT) | IslandaHighly Commended Michal Krause (CZ) | The Frozen LandHighly Commended Category Underwater Georg Nies (DE) | Red in RedWinner Dmitry Kokh (RU) | Dolphins HomeRunner-up Gaël Modrak (RU) | Water lilies marvelous worldHighly Commended Tobias Friedrich (DE) | IcebreakerHighly Commended Peter McGee (AU) | Seahorse sanctuaryHighly Commended Category Nature Art Gheorghe Popa (RO) | Ice cellWinner Juan Jesús González Ahumada (ES) |HeroRunner-up Jodi Frediani (USA) |Dolphin DesignHighly Commended Kovács Norbert (HU) | Fractal patterned lakeHighly Commended Imre Potyó (HU) | Egg universeHighly Commended Category Man and Nature Francisco Javier Murcia Requena (ES) | The king of the oceanWinner David Hup (NL) | Unusual VisitorRunner-up Földi László (HU) | EscapeHighly Commended Andrew Upton (USA) | The Hand That FeedsHighly Commended Tom Svensson (SE) |At a priceHighly Commended Category Black and white Roie Galitz (IL) |White weddingWinner Gheorghe Popa (RO) | Yin and YangRunner-up Csaba Daróczi (HU) | Shortness of breathHighly Commended Wayne Lai (CN) | Schooling JacksHighly Commended Clement Kiragu (KE) | Cloud of DustHighly Commended Category Animal portraits William Burrard-Lucas (UK) | Black LeopardWinner Roie Galitz (IL) | Last embraceRunner-up Scott Portelli (AU) | Leafy NightHighly Commended Leugger Flurin (CH) | NightfallHighly Commended Ignacio Medem (ES) | Great Crested Grebe Among ButtercupsHighly Commended Category Animals of the Lage landen Andius Teijgeler (NL) | Fox crossing the bridgeWinner Ronald Zimmerman (NL) | Flying Over a Pastel “Rainbow”Runner-up Richard Verroen (NL) | Bluebells and BeechesHighly Commended Sam Mannaerts (BE) | River AbstractHighly Commended Amanda Blom (NL) | Weevil on pink flowerHighly Commended Category Yought Levi Fitze (CH) | Beautiful worldWinner Gergő Kártyás (HUN) | ContemplationRunner-up Emelin Dupieux (FR) | The lagoon loversHighly Commended D’Artagnan Sprengel (NZ) | Self reflectionHighly Commended Anton Trexler (DE) | Is there still space left?Highly Commended Category Fred Hazelhoff Portfolio Award Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner Lea Lee Inoue (USA) | Emotional RangeWinner