Stefan Christmann | Saturday
Penguin Love – A bond for live
Love. That is what Stefan Christmann‘s lecture is all about during the lecture – with a mix of photos and video fragments. And especially: penguin love. A term that describes the strong bonds that penguins create with each other to survive the brutal Antarctic winter. He tells about his time in Antarctica where he stayed to document the life cycle of the Emperor Penguins.
Receiving a photography scholarship from the North American Nature Photography Association in 2005 was a life-altering experience for Stefan. Working as a scientist in Antarctica in 2012, he used every free minute to document the life of a nearby emperor penguin colony. He returned in 2017 to complete a comprehensive body of work about one of nature’s most gripping survival stories.
Through his lecture you will learn all about the Emperor penguins, but also about the Antarctic landscape, the sea ice, the ice shelf and the effects of climate change on the habitat of the penguins. He will also show you how to get to Antarctica and what the research station looks like. In short: a lecture that moves you.